Literary fiction, speculative fiction, and selected nonfiction

Stephen’s story “Ashfield” featured at The Story Café!

Historic North Hall in Huntington is a classic New England structure, white clapboard on the outside, wooden floors and exposed beams on the inside. (Click to enlarge any image below.)


On Sunday, June 30th, the hundred year old building was packed when three amazing actors – Ray Birke, Candace Barrett Birk and Ellen Barry – celebrated “Pioneer Valley’s talented short story authors… through the magic of the spoken word.”


The event was dubbed “The Story Café.” Stephen was honored to be on the bill with well-known writers like the prolific Jane Yolen, former president of the Science Fiction Writers of America (SFWA), and members of the local Straw Dog Writers Guild like Rick Paar and Joy Baglio.


The afternoon had a magical quality as the writers invited the listeners to let their imaginations carry them away into the worlds of the stories.

Thanks for reading our blog. For your enjoyment, here’s a link to a free copy of the story Ashfield from A Book of Fields.

A Book of Fields – Ashfield

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