Literary fiction, speculative fiction, and selected nonfiction


Our Literary Marriage

During a recent interview with someone from our local writing group the Straw Dog Writer’s Guild, the interviewer described us as being in the long tradition of literary marriages. F. Scott and Zelda. Percy and Mary Shelley. We were delighted. What a wonderful way to think of ourselves. It puts our future as writers in a sharp focus as we enjoy the creative process together. Here’s a link to the interview.

The Pioneer Valley

We are blessed to live in Deerfield, Massachusetts, where we enjoy the creative energy that is part of the Pioneer Valley. Read more about it in A Book of Fields, Stephen’s recent collection of literary short stories inspired by the characters that inhabit the towns in the Valley that end in “field” like Deerfield.

Stephen’s Writing Career

Stephen has been a creative writer for more than 40 years. Check out his many books on the Stephen’s Books page. To learn even more about Stephen, please go to his Amazon Author page or or visit his IMDB page.

Stephen Walking Stick

Bela’s Budding Writing Career

On Bela’s birthday in 2019, Stephen invited her to collaborate with him on a novel. The resulting book, Pilgrim Maya, is scheduled to be published in 2022. Bela is working on a book about her father also, inspired by interviews she did with him and family stories.


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